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Energy Tips

Energy conservation focuses on using less wasteful energy and making the best use of the energy you are using. Along with reducing our reliance on non-renewable energy resources, it also helps save you money on energy costs, including utility bills and other energy bills.

Check out these tips to start conserving energy today.

  • Raise or lower your thermostats by a few degrees if health permits, depending on the season.
  • Turn off unneeded lights and appliances.
  • Turn off unnecessary office equipment, computers, or other electronics.
  • Update your home’s insulation if it’s affecting the temperature of your home.
  • Open curtains/blinds during the winter to allow the sun to help warm your home, and keep them closed in the summer to keep unwanted heat out.

Source: Energy Sage

Winter Energy Tips

As you prepare your home for the cold, there are steps you can take that go a long way toward saving on energy costs. Here are some important points to consider as you’re making sure your household is ready for winter:

Spend a little time on maintenance
First on the list is furnace and heating system maintenance, especially for older systems. Following your manufacturer’s guidelines in this area and replacing furnace filters regularly will ensure safety and increase energy efficiency.

Make sure checking your duct work for leaks is on the to-do list. A disconnected or torn portion of the duct work can mean warm air is pouring out into a crawl space or basement instead of reaching its intended destination. And, speaking of intended destinations, a good dusting of your vents and thermostat can ensure heated air goes where it’s supposed to.

Sealing and circulating
Now, let’s talk about maximizing the arrival of this air in the rooms you’re trying to heat. You can use window coverings like blinds, shades and curtains to your advantage. Plan to open these coverings during sunlight hours to let the outside warmth in and close them at night to stop heat from seeping through the glass. You might even consider putting plastic sheeting over windows to help contain heat during cold snaps.

Also, consider the circulation in your rooms. Setting ceiling fans to rotate clockwise will displace the warm air and push it down, thereby warming the room better. Also keep in mind that those exhaust fans in your bathroom and kitchen release to the air outside, so heated air can quickly exit your home when you leave them running.

Closing off other avenues of escape
Perforated or torn insulation is also a major energy-wasting culprit as your heating system struggles to keep up with the cold air these gaps let in.

Areas you should check include the attic, floors, exterior walls and crawl spaces or basements. Before you begin replacing insulation, confirm that the material you plan to use carries the proper rating for your region from the U.S. Department of Energy.

Faulty caulking, seals and weather stripping around windows and doors are other places where heat can easily escape, so make sure those materials are holding strong at the beginning of each season. And here’s an easy one for homeowners with fireplaces — just close the damper when you’re not using the fireplace. If warm air is escaping up the chimney, your heating system will have to work harder to replace it.

Thank you Hoosier Energy for these tips!

Summer Energy Tips

UDWI encourages its members to conserve energy when they are able to. Members can voluntarily conserve energy by taking these simple steps to help reduce usage. These actions will also help you save money on your monthly utility bill.

Raise your thermostats by a few degrees if health permits, and shut off air conditioners when leaving home for extended periods. 

You can save as much as 10 percent a year on heating and cooling by simply turning your thermostat back 7°- 10°F for eight hours a day from its normal setting.

During the summer, thermostats can be adjusted to conserve energy. A suggested temperature range is between 74-78 degrees during the summer months.

Turn off unneeded lights, appliances, or other electronics.

Some products are better to turn off completely, as they use energy even when they are not actively being used. Many appliances and devices should be unplugged or turned off when not in use. Appliances such as televisions, stereos, computers, and more also draw energy from the power grid when plugged into a wall even when they are shut off. To reduce energy usage, make sure these devices are completely unplugged and not connected to a power source when not in use.

Do laundry and other chores requiring electricity during the early morning or late evening hours.

Completing chores during nonpeak ‘energy hours’ can save energy because less electricity is typically used in the early morning and later in the evening. This simple switch can help lessen the load on the overall power system.

We appreciate your help to conserve energy during high-peak usage times. The role you play affects our power system and we are grateful for your contribution.