UDWI REMC Awards Scotland Community Church Food Pantry With A Community Fund Grant in December 2024

BLOOMFIELD, Ind. (Jan. 3, 2025) — The Utilities District of Western Indiana REMC selected Scotland Community Church Food Pantry (SCCFP) as a recipient of a UDWI REMC Community Fund, Inc. grant, allowing the organization to increase food quantities handed out to the community each month.
The Scotland Community Church Mission Committee — made up of Ronnie Summerville, Perry Stone, Connie Berg, and Jerry and Anneita Vandeventer — work to maintain the food pantry throughout the year, helping coordinate the food distributions that take place on the fourth Wednesday of every month, beginning at 11 a.m. at the Scotland Full Gospel Church Fellowship Hall. Along with the committee members, those at Rebuilt Recovery and Discipleship, along with community volunteers, come each month to help with the distributions.
“Cars start lining up to receive the distributions as early as 10 a.m. so we advise you to get there early,” comments Anneita Vandeventer, discussing the organization’s food distribution process. She continues to discuss how community members come together on the day of the food drive, saying “There’s a sense of community pride as many come together. We want our community to know that anyone and everyone is welcome.”
During each food distribution, the SCCFP gives out food until they run out, replenishing its food supply with donations until the next month’s distribution. This has been going on for over 15 years when the food pantry was first started with the help of the Catholic Charities project. In their continual support of the food pantry, the Catholic Charities help to provide everyday staples for the organization to hand out to the local community. Supplying additional, nonessential staple food products are reliant on donations.
“With the help of the UDWI REMC Community Fund grant, and similar grants, we can provide staple foods such as canned goods, dry goods, and meat products to those in need,” explains Anneita Vandeventer. She goes on, saying, “We truly cannot thank UDWI REMC enough for their generosity in helping us achieve our mission of providing kindness to others, representing the hands and feet of Jesus. We hope that this project is providing strength, hope and growth to those who partake, whether you are helping serve or coming by and receiving the food items.”
The UDWI REMC Community Fund allows cooperative members to give back to their communities by rounding up to the nearest whole dollar on their electric bills. Throughout each quarter, the money accumulated in the Fund is used to provide grants to various local organizations, giving right back into members’ communities.
In the last quarter of 2024, the UDWI REMC Community Fund awarded $20,465 to ten organizations, including $1,000 to the Scotland Community Church Food Pantry. The December 2024 grant recipients include: Bloomfield Downtown Revitalization, Inc., Linton Stockton Band Department, Lyons Community Food Pantry, Metropolitan School District of Shakamak, Night to Shine, Pregnancy Choices, Scotland Community Church Food Pantry, Town of Bloomfield Swimming Pool, Worthington Community Improvement Committee, and Worthington Lions Club.
Applications for the first grant cycle of 2025 are now being accepted. All nonprofit businesses in UDWI REMC’s service area are encouraged to apply. Please visit www.udwiremc.com to learn more about the program and to start an application.